Seek Your Inner Maven
See Your Heart
To the ones who absorb all they attract
you are here witnessing potential and pain
you are holding sweetness and sorrow
in this space of raw emotions.
While being blasted with chatter and comments,
the dense darkness lines up to protect you from hurt.
The walls thicken with judgment
like limestone layers that gather each granule,
forcing the pieces into a mass that becomes hardened
until you can’t see yourself.
So you look to others to see what to reflect
and you gather all the ways to talk back.
Becoming weighed down and blinded by that which is not yours,
yet you hold it, you hold on,
being convinced there is no way out.
And if we take a moment together to pass on what others name
we might be able to see you,
placing each stone onto the ground
lightening your load.
You stand in all your glorious light and moonlit shadows.
We see what you are really made of - your heart.
Your humanness and love can be felt
coming into a new experience of being.
As a novice on this journey,
your light comes into focus
with knowing as your guide.
The possibilities are endless
as you experience
being the Maven of your soul.
You are the seer of your heart.
Welcome to remembering who you really are, being a seer of your own heart. The Maven’s Call invites the poetry of your heart, see what comes after sitting with Crystal’s meditation, Call to Your Inner Maven. ~ Abbey